Monday, August 14, 2017

We Moved!

We moved...FINALLY!

It feels so good to finally be able to type those words. It's been a long road to get to where we are right now. Lot's of renovations, delinquent tenants, debt, miles and miles of traveling, and of course blood, sweat, and tears. BUT WE DID IT!! We moved from Illinois to Tennessee and we aren't looking back. 

(Our home in Tennessee) 


(Illinois house #1)

(Illinois house #2)

 To see what we are up to everyday follow us on Instagram

Throughout the next few blog posts I'll share our story on what we had to do to get to where we are...

what renovations we did back in Illinois to sell, 

how to sell your home by owner, 

how we selected Nashville as our new home, 

how to save money on your move,
 and how we used Facebook Marketplace to earn over $6,000 to help pay for the damages our delinquent tenants created.

It's been a long journey...cheers to a new beginning!